On Thursday Secretary of the State Mark Kohler led the drawing of districts for audit.
Here is a list of the selected districts <press release>
- 2023 02/14
- 2022 02/22
- 2020 02/21
- 2019 02/22
- 2012 02/21
- 2018 02/13
- 2017 03/28
- 2016 11/02
- 2016 10/19
- 2016 05/02
- 2016 04/06
- 2016 02/29
- 2015 02/25
- 2015 01/22
- 2015 01/21
- 2014 08/08
- 2014 03/03
- 2014 02/19
- 2013 02/28
- 2012 11/20
- 2012 02/09
- 2011 01/12
- 2010 11/29
- 2010 10/20
- 2010 11/08
- 2010 02/02
- 2009 01/28
- 2008 10/14
- 2008 04/03
- 2008 01/17
- 2007 11/08