The Purpose of the Citizen Audit is to increase integrity and confidence in elections, for the benefit of the voters of Connecticut. We provide independent audits, audit observations, and reports focusing on the integrity of elections and election administration. <More about the Citizen Audit>
To Know:
You can Help Provide Answers!
Volunteer one day as a Post-Election Audit Observer.
The Connecticut Citizen Election Audit coordinates volunteers, like you, to observe the state’s post-election audit of voting machines. Non-partisan volunteers go “behind the scenes” with a checklist of best practices and interview questions. They gather information which is compiled into reports submitted to the public, election officials, and the Legislature.
- Who can volunteer? Anyone. You, for example!
- Where? Throughout the State of Connecticut.
- When? Generally within the 2nd to 3th weeks following an election.
- How? Email: Update’at”
Why Volunteer?
For good Government, to preserve our right to a free and accurate vote!
See the Results of Our Efforts In the Audit Reports Posted at <>