Random Audit Drawing – First to use 10-sided die, rather than barrel

After several years of our asking, Secretary Thomas uses 10-sided die for drawing. This is much more fair, transparent, and random than drawing slips from a barrel. The Secretary gets our applause for this change.

Here are the districts chosen, from the Press Release:

This time there were a number of medium and large cities with recanvasses, exempt from the audit. So a higher percentage were chosen from the remaining towns. Also we believe Fairfield is exempt based on a highly publicized recanvass, so at least Suffield will be added from the alternates: <read>

Nov 2022 Post-Election Audit Report

From the Press Release:

Watchdog Group: 24 Audits Since 2007 with Little Improvement

Independent Observation and Analysis of Connecticut’s Nov 2022 Post-Election Audit

HARTFORD: We conclude, based on citizen observations and analysis of official municipal post-election vote audit of the November 2022 election, that it failed to meet basic audit standards

After 16 years with disappointing, locally performed, hand-count audits, we recommend replacement of all local hand-count audits with sufficient and efficient electronically assisted manual audits utilizing the UConn Audit Station.

The non-partisan Connecticut Citizen Election Audit has provided volunteer observation and post-election audit reports since the adoption of optical scanners statewide in 2007. Without the hours and mileage incurred by these volunteers after every election nobody but a few election officials would know the actual quality of the audits performed, while officials would have less motivation toward credible audits.

<Press Release .pdf> <Full Report pdf> <Detail data/municipal reports>

About the Citizen Audit

The Purpose of the Citizen Audit is to increase integrity and confidence in elections, for the benefit of the voters of Connecticut. We provide independent audits, audit observations, and reports focusing on the integrity of elections and election administration. <More about the Citizen Audit>

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Random Drawing of Districts for November 2022 Post-election Audit

On Thursday Secretary of the State Mark Kohler led the drawing of districts for audit.

Here is a list of the selected districts <press release>

Nov 2021 Post-Election Audit Report

From the Press Release:

Watchdog Group: Time to Change Post-Election Audit

Independent Observation and Analysis of Connecticut’s 2022 Post-Election Audit

HARTFORD: We conclude, based on citizen observations and analysis of official municipal post-election vote audit of the November 2022 election, that it failed to meet basic audit standards. Again, the Secretary of the State’s Office failed to require local officials to conduct the audit according to law and published procedures. As a result, voters cannot have confidence in the accuracy of election results when 41% of official audit reports from registrars were incomplete.

After 15 years with disappointing, locally performed, hand-count audits, we recommend replacement of all local hand-count audits with sufficient and efficient electronically assisted manual audits utilizing the UConn Audit Station.

<Press Release .pdf> <Full Report pdf> <Detail data/municipal reports>

Risk Limiting Audit Prototype Observation Report

Summary Recommendations

  • We recommend Risk Limiting Audits (RLAs) not be mandated or conducted unless they can result in a full manual hand count that can confirm or change the initial result.
  • We recommend that RLAs must be supervised by state officials, transparent, publicly observable, and publicly verifiable in all regards. They should follow standard definitions of Risk Limiting Audits, Evidence Based Elections, Software Independence, and The Principles and Best Practices for Post-Election Tabulation Audits…

November 2021 Post-Election Audit Random Drawing

The drawing was held on Wednesday 11/16. 33 polling places and 2 central count absentee ballot locations were selected.

September 2021 Primary Audit Drawing

This year’s drawing was different. Based on the law passed this year it finally included centrally counted absentee ballots, an item we have been requesting since 2008. We thank Secretary Merrill for initiating the change this year. Better late than never!

November Election 2020 Audit Drawing

Yesterday we observed the Post-Election Audit Drawing by the Secretary of the State Denise Merrill. 38 districts in 31 municipalities will be audited by no later than December 4, 2020.
The Secretary’s Office is offering electronic auditing to municipalities, subject to scheduling limitations. Official Press Release <read>

September Primary 2020 Audit Random Drawing

Last week we observed the Post-Election Audit Drawing:
Press Release:

Primary Results to be Audited at Selected Polling Locations

A hand count of ballots from five percent of all polling places that use optical scanners to be matched against machine totals, which will affirm the integrity of the vote

HARTFORD- Secretary of the State Denise Merrill randomly selected voting precincts to have primary results audited following the August 11 primary…